Friday, June 8, 2012

Poolside Blogging

It's kinda hot out here. The rain over the last couple of days has been really really nice.
I think I got out of the habit of blogging since I had surgery on my wrists for the carpal tunnel.
The wrists are better but I never gained complete strength back. I think the surgeon might have messed up my left one.
I have a major softball tan going on.  My feet are blinding white.
The Older Kid In The House is officially the High School Kid Of The House. It's disturbing to realize she'll be taking drivers ed next summer. I may need counseling. I'm already a wreck sending her to that gigantic school full of hormonal boys.
There's some whiny kids at this pool. Would it be wrong to dunk kids that you don't know? If I hear that mom say, "you need to stop that or I'll make you get out" one more time, I might dunk her instead.
I'm listening to This American Life episode 460. It's a retraction podcast they did over one man's false reporting of Apple's factories in China. The guy that originally did the reporting and lied was interviewed again by Ira Glass. Ira Glass is an incredible interviewer.
The High School Kid Of The House is going to band camp next week. She actually said, "This one time... at band camp....." I told her not to repeat that phrase again and when she's 30 I might allow her to watch that movie so she'll understand why!


Judy said...

Good to see you back, Kat. :)

M said...

Nice legs