Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First days....great!!

Lil one....first day at kindergarten.

Big en'.....first day at intermediate school.

Mama.....first day at new work.

So far....triple thumbs up!!

We played the high/low game at dinner and here are the results:

Mama: Low- missing coworkers rolling their eyes at terrible sense of humor.
High-everyone was very nice, answered all questions and were patient with me.

Big en': High-got to eat lunch with all her friends from elementary school that she missed during the summer.
Low-having trouble operating that silly locker.

lil one: High-going to recess!!
Low-going back in from recess...

The morning went pretty smooth. We pulled off some last minute shopping this weekend (thanks Christi for that 20% off coupon....saved...well....20%!!!). We laid out all of our clothes, had lunch ready to throw together and mama's power drink (Bad Girl) in the fridge!

Intermediate school was first on the list since we didn't get to meet the teacher last week at Meet the Teacher Night.....since the school didn't have the classroom lists assigned just yet. Eek!!

We got there early and beat the traffic....straight to classroom to find other girls we knew in our homeroom class!! Hapiness. Kisses by all, pics taken....tears fell to the floor by mama. Ugh.

Next stop...Elementary. Very impressed with the organization of the parking, dropping off and traffic control. There were employees of the school, volunteer parents and plenty of police...which I'm sure were at every school.

Yes, lil one led mom straight to class room, lil one runs right in her classroom like she owns it and tells mom to hit the road! I think a couple more of those tears fell.

Off to mom's first day.....fretted over payroll until one, emailed to main office and was much much happier after that. Rumor has it that mama is going to the main office for lunch and orientation on second day.

Stay tuned for updates!
Will add pics too!!

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