Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Hump Day

  • Buzz Kill. Google admits that Google Buzz could have used a little more testing before going live. I had no idea it was coming and I'm still not sure I'm interested in it.
  • My brother came by for the last of his stuff. Drat...he took his tv with him. Now it's back to my tv and its not as good.
  • Update on him: he's getting back together with the mama. Good job. I think. Now, I shall pray for her really really hard! The little boy seems to like his new school. I was afraid for him of the change. I guess change isn't always bad.
  • Great timing. I finally figured out how to turn the wii on all by myself while using his tv.
  • I like people that think they are the only ones that thought of something. It's cute.
  • My daughter at dinner last night:
Her: Knock-Knock
Me: Who there?
Her: Banana.
Me: Banana Who?

Her: Knock-Knock

Me: Who there?
Her: Banana.

Me: Banana Who?

Her: Knock-Knock

Me: Who there?
Her: Banana.

Me: Banana Who?
Her: Knock-Knock
Me: Who there?
Her: Banana.
Me: Banana Who?

Her: Knock-Knock

Me: Who there?
Her: Banana.

Me: Banana Who?

Her: Knock-Knock

Me: Who there?
Her: Banana.

Me: Banana Who?

Her: Knock-Knock
Me: Who there?
Her: Banana.

Me: Banana Who?

Her: Knock-Knock.
Me: Who's there?
Her: Apple.
Me: Apple Who?

Her: Aren't you glad I didn't say banana again?

Me: Huh?
Her: Get it? Get it? (laughs)
Me: Oh boy. (shaking head)
I didn't have much today. Carry on. It's all downhill from here. (Watch out for bumps - they can be dangerous!)

PS- I know it's genius and not jenius. I was being trying to be silly. I are a excellent grammer user.









1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The joke is supposed to be "orange" not apple. And you say "orange" you glad I didn't say banana.