Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tuesday Thoughts


·         I sat down to watch the Bachelorette last night and completely zonked out on the couch. I didn’t wake up even once. All three doors unlocked, both garage doors open, lights on in the house. Older daughter came in the living room in the morning to tell me she slept in…I almost freaked out…until I realized it was 6am. She slept in at 6am? Ugh.

·         Oh well, we all made it with no problems. Yay.

·         Older kid mowed the whole back yard and some of the front yard last night. I pulled weeds and cleaned the kitchen. It was a productive night.

·         I also did a whole 41 minutes of tae Bo. THAT is one heck of a work out. I was close to quitting several times but younger kiddo would start pep talking me, “Come on Mom! You’re doing great!!” “It doesn’t really hurt! You can do it” “Keep it up! Don’t stop!!” I would keep going. Then she fell asleep and I cut the video off. That’s some really hard stuff.

·         I’m now seriously considering bringing an exercise ball to work to sit on in place of my chair.

·         Swim suit. Swim Suit. Swim suit. I can do it. Tae Bo is a piece of cake!

·         My contacts are old and man oh man do I feel it! I need to sit and order some asap. Hopefully I’ll remember this evening. Fingers crossed.

·         I spelled Rome, Italy “Rhome” yesterday. I got called out on it via a text.

·         Glee comes on tonight and that makes me happy. Very happy.

·         The Bacherlorette looked really good, from what I did stay awake to watch, it has a bunch of looney, crazy, really good looking guys. That makes for great tv!




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